Pastoral guidelines in time of health emergency

Reverend Fathers,
Esteemed Members of the Parish Councils,
Beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord,

I want to convey to you my warmest thoughts and my best wishes of good health and blessing from God.

I would like to thank you for your understanding and for the attention you have shown in these special conditions that are not easy for us all Church and society. But human discipline reflects for us a spiritual rigor and determination. Being experienced priests with a shorter or longer activity to serve and advise the believers and to always be in their presence taking the pulse of community life, it is not easy, to find ourselves, in a religious service setting (via youtube, facebook, etc.). I saw with great joy that you were able to broadcast liturgical celebrations for those who want to participate but can no longer physically because of the danger of contamination. In congratulate you for this effort.

However, the situation we go through is a real danger that you should take extremely seriously. I would like for the spiritual, mental and physical health of all to consider the following:

  • Remain in permanent contact by the possible means under the conditions given with your parishioner’s in order to be able to intervene where there are urgent needs as soon as possible and with a salutary effect (Holy Sacraments, special prayers, etc.);
  • Let’s try to keep all - clergy and believers - a certain sobriety and a spirit of discernment in what we relay verbally, electronically or in another way. I believe that many of the theories that circulate are unhealthy spiritually, psychologically and humanly and do nothing but occupy in a useless way our time by not allowing us to have peace in the soul, nor lucidity or maturity in thinking to be ready to act appropriately under the given conditions. If we have something to say please do it in a constructive spiritually way, not disorderly, rebellious, offensive etc. It doesn't help anyone.
  • Let’s use the Christian tools that are prayer, fasting, reading the Holy Scriptures and the lives of the saints, charitable deeds, but also courage, boldness and intelligence in seeking what is important for us either in the short or long term. In the short term under the given conditions are the vigilance and care for the preservation of spiritual, mental and bodily health and in the long term the concern for the soul, for those necessary that do not make us lose sight of the encounter with God and the salvation of the soul. Both long-term and short-term goals cannot be achieved without the spiritual elements that help us to discipline our entire way of being;
  • These guidelines are part of our responsibility as Christians towards our neighbors and implicitly towards our society. Let’s be part of the solution and not of the problem!

Please apply them strictly the instructions regarding the maximum number of participants at the religious services – priest(s), chanter, one altar-helper or exceptional two altar/pangar, minimum distance 2 m all the time from of any person / social and physical distancing, etc.). I insist on strictly observing it. I hope all to pass - clergy and believers - well this storm without victims.

Divine Liturgy and Holy Sacraments

  • All parishes and monasteries must comply with the directives issued by the federal and provincial authorities;
  • All religious services of this period (Canonical Hours, Divine Liturgy, Holy Sacraments, other blessings etc.) exceptionally will no longer have a public character. You will find the online resources for Canada (and others) at the end of the document;
  • The priests will establish a clear program so that the faithful may receive the Holy Sacraments or benefits from the grace of various prayers, respecting the instructions given by the federal and provincial Canadian authorities (social distancing etc.);
  • More instructions for the Holy Week and for the Easter will be sent next week;

Pastoral guidance

  • The priests will have to find the most appropriate means to offer Anaphora, Holy Water (Greater or Lesser) and the Oil from the Sacrament of the Holy Unction;
  • Priests and believers are invited to read the Psalms, the Akathists of the Healing Saints and other prayers for help and comfort at trial time;

Financial concerns

The financial impact of COVIND-19 will be major on both personal and institutional level.

  • From a practical point of view, I urge you – clergy and parish council members - to follow the various press conferences (Prime Minister - 11: 30/11: 45 am ET, federal - 12:00 pm ET, provincial - 1:00 pm ET etc. ) for the multiple proposals regarding the charitable organizations in which we are included and to find financial solutions which may help us to overcome this storm. We trust God but we also need a practical, enterprising and lucid spirit. To be proactive you can contact the banks you have loans to evaluate the different possibilities or solutions;
  • Parishes or monasteries with more financial possibilities or without debt can contact the Eparchial Center to show their willingness to help. Also, the parishes or monasteries that have financial difficulties contact the Eparchial Center for information. We hope that through faith, courage, solidarity and creative ingenuity we can cross together and become stronger in this endeavor;
  • We are all invited - clergy and believers - to help with the little or more we have at the expense of our parishes and monasteries during this period.

Let us pray for each other and together for the whole world.

With charitable love and hope in Christ our Lord,

+Ioan Casian
Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Canada

Saint-Hubert, March 30th, 2020

Online resource

Romanian language

English languge
